
Same day orders only available until 12PM

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Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

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Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more

Quality FAQs


We want to help you as quickly as possible!

Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

Find my delivery

Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more

Delivery FAQs


We want to help you as quickly as possible!

Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

Find my delivery

Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more

Ordering FAQs


We want to help you as quickly as possible!

Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

Find my delivery

Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more

Payment FAQs


We want to help you as quickly as possible!

Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

Find my delivery

Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more

Refund FAQs


We want to help you as quickly as possible!

Take a look around you might be able to find the answers to your questions here

Want to speak to us? In order to help you in the best way possible, please ask your questions using the contact form on the relevant articles listed here. We’ll then make sure your query is aswered by the relevat team.

Find my delivery

Still need help?

At Baqers, we strive for excellence in every cake we deliver. Count on us as your trusted and reliable cake ordering platform. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our service. Still need help? We're here for you.

Reach us via +2348099998009

Other contacts

Business enquiries

For Corperate and business enquiries information please click here to find out more.

Press enquiries

For press related enquiries, marketing and publicity, please click here to find out more