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Ferrero Bliss

Total: ₦120,150.00

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Ferrero Bliss's birthday cake is a chocolate lover's dream come true, a delectable creation that celebrates the rich and indulgent flavors of one of the world's most beloved chocolates. This cake is a perfect birthday choice for those who crave the ultimate chocolate experience, combining moisture, richness, and a luxurious texture. 

The top of the cake is a chocolate ganache spread, with robust chocolate flavor and a tender, velvety texture. Each bite of this chocolate cake offers a sensory journey into the heart of cocoa richness, satisfying the cravings of even the most discerning chocolate aficionados. 

Crowning this chocolate masterpiece are Ferrero chocolates, each one carefully placed to create a visually stunning and taste-bud-tempting top layer. These chocolates add a crunchy contrast to the moist cake base, offering a delightful combination of textures. The cake is then generously drizzled with even more chocolate goodness, ensuring that every slice is a decadent and luxurious treat. 



  • - ferrero chocolate
  • - drizzle melted chocolate
  • - Double layer cake
Available In
Size 14 Inches (55 ppl)
Flavors (Select one) Silky Vanilla
Accent Colors Brown
Extra Toppings
  • Gluten
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Egg
  • Soy
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Total: ₦120,150.00